Saturday, June 15, 2013

Washing Dishes

A few months ago I use to let Boog help me wash dishes. I would put his apron on him, pull up a chair and showed him how to rinse. It wasn't until he decided to throw a glass on the floor that him helping me out came to an end.
Ever since then he would bug and bug to help me wash dishes but I didn't want a repeat of what happened last time. So then it dawned on me. Why not take dish washing outside? And that is exactly what we did.

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So the other day I set him up with his own dish washing station. I pulled out a bunch of plastic dishes, set up two tubs; one with soapy water and the other with rinse water, got him his own sponge and dish rack. I walked him through it once showing him that after he was done washing he can rinse them then put them in the rack to dry.

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We spent over an hour outside rewashing the dishes over and over again. He really did love this activity and the family jokes that when we go camping we know who will be washing dishes out there.

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And with the days getting hotter this was a perfect activity to do outside. Especially when he realized that the rinse water could also be used to splash water on mama.

Since this activity was a huge hit I am sure he will be washing more dishes this summer. And who knows maybe he will earn my trust back to start washing dishes at the sink again.

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