Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Peanut butter banana raisin quesadillas

Lately Boog has only Ben wanting to eat only his favorite foods, pizza, toast, pb&j sandwiches, and bananas. So lately I've been trying to find ways to take his favorite meals and turn them in to something new. And that is where the idea of this quesadilla came from. I took two of his favorites and added two new items for a fast and tasty lunch. 

What you need: 
* tortillas
* peanut butter, or favorite nut butter
* bananas
* raisins

This is a meal your kiddos can help you make. Let them spread out the peanut butter, cut the bananas with a butter knife, or child safe knife if you have one, and let them add the slices and raisins on top. Fold in half and heat it up for them. This meal was a total success!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

F is for Flower

These past couple of days we have been focusing on the letter F and learning about flowers. We started off with a very simple counting activity where Boog rolled a dice and added the correct number of flowers to the pot. 

* fake flowers, purchased at dollar tree
* flower pot
* rice, beans, or anything to hold the flowers up. I used rice since that's what we had on hand

Very simple activity that let Boog count to six. When he starts to learn his numbers I will add more dice and flowers for him. But for now this was perfect for him. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Outdoor School

Now that the weather has been warming up we've been taking school outdoors. Today I set up a simple clothes washing station for Boog. Not only was it fun to play and get wet in the water but it was a great practice life lesson. 

What you need: 
* small towels! socks! shirts! and other small articles of clothing
* natural laundry soap
* two bowls
* clothes line
* clothes pins
* pitcher, optional 

First I had Boog water into each bowl to practice his pouring skills. Afterwards I helped him add a little bit of soap to the first bowl. We talked about how a little bit of soap goes a long way and showed him that even with a small amount of soap we were able to create tons of bubbles. 

Next I walked him through each step. Showed him how to wash, rinse, wring, and hang. We discussed the similarities and differences between washing clothes by hand and using a washer. 

Lastly we talked about how we were going to use the sun to dry the clothes. And since he loves talking about the water cycle what better way to see evaporation at work. And just like washing we also discussed the differences between hanging up clothes outside and the dryer. Which was another great way to show him how to save electricity. 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Paper Easter Basket

 With Easter approaching we've taken a small break from school to work on a few decorations to put up. Out of all the crafts we did this was by far his favorite. We made a couple easter baskets out of paper plates. It's really easy to do too. 

Things you need: 
* paper plate
* paint, in the colors you want your basket
* scissors 
* glue
* egg cut outs
*easter grass

To make the basket shape draw a line down the center of the plate and cut it out, for the handle follow along the curved edge of the plate. Next let your kids paint their basket. Call me crazy but I love the hard boiled egg plates for putting our paint on. It's easier for Boog and he doesn't have to worry about paint mixing when he doesn't want it too. 

Next decorate the eggs. I used a cookie cutter to trace my eggs on to a piece of card stock. I gave him different things to decorate with, paper clippings, markers, and crayons. Your kids can even paint their eggs, it's completely up to you and them on what you guys want to use.

We let the baskets dry over night before we assembled them. First I let him glue the grass on. I had to help him here because he didn't want to push down on the glue and get his fingers sticky. Then he glued the eggs to the back. 

When they are all dried hang them up. You can add flowers, bows, what ever you like to the outside of your basket. He wanted to leave his plain, and I don't blame him. The paint job he did was very cute. 

Hope you enjoy making a basket and I wish everyone a happy Easter! 

Friday, January 31, 2014

Sometimes you fail

Since Valentines Day is right around the corner Boog and I have been making some heart themed crafts. Yesterday we tried making salt painted hearts. I've seen it on Pinterest last year and finally decided to do it. I thought the bright colors against the black background looks so nice. 


We started out by adding the glue to the hearts I what ever design Boog wanted. Afterwards he poured the salt on them, shaking off the excess. Then he used the dropper to add the water colors to the salt. But this is where things went wrong. 

Boog has yet to grasp the concept of just a dab is all you need, and seeing how I know this I still ignored it. When I showed him how to add the color the yellow traveled across the salt trails beautifully. Bit when he took over he squeezed out so much water we ended up with a big soupy mess. It really is my fault, I should have known better. We let the hearts dry over night, then this morning when we went to go hang them the salt started to break and fall off. Now, I'm not sure if it's because he used so much water or is we did something wrong, but these hearts are now proudly displayed on top of our trash can. Looks like we'll have to find something else to decorate our walls with. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Starting up again

So, it's been awhile since I've posted on here but I figured with the new year I could really get back into it. Since I've last posted we have learned a few things, like our bones and the life cycle of a pumpkin. And started next week we will begin a whole new adventure. boog has been bugging me on how to tell time, funny thing is he has no interest in numbers so this should be fun. I have a few fun crafts already planned out, and a few more I need to cut and write up so hopefully he enjoys everything we do and actually learns how to tell time, keep your fingers crossed for us.